

women who used the steps to overcome addiction at transitions recovery

Steps to Overcome Addiction to Alcohol or Drugs

Overcoming addiction isn’t about grinning and bearing through the pain. Addiction isn’t a “bad habit” you can shake with some extra willpower and a little positive thinking. It’s actually a chronic disorder that could have physical, mental and emotional root causes. Think of addiction as you would a physical chronic condition such as diabetes. It’s

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Why Is Alcohol so Popular and Socially Acceptable?

According to surveys published by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, as many as 86 percent of Americans over the age of 17 say they consumed alcohol at some point during their lives. More than half said their last alcoholic beverage was within the last month. In short, alcohol plays a large role

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How To Help Someone with Drug Addiction: 6 Step Comprehensive Guide

When someone you care about is struggling with addiction, it can bring out a wide range of emotions. Not only are you worried and want to do whatever you can to help, but you’ll also experience anger, frustration, disappointment, and sadness. It’s no secret that addiction doesn’t just affect the addict. Everyone who shares an

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Breakthrough Medication May Erase Addiction Impulses

As the proportion of U.S. workers testing positive for illegal drugs approaches five percent, attention has turned to an unlikely drug that shows promise for curbing substance addiction. The use of medication to treat addicts is nothing new, but isradipine, the drug in question, is primarily a treatment for high blood pressure. Breaking the chain

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Nurse Jackie: TV’s Most Accurate Portrayal of Addiction

TV shows have traditionally been more invested in plot than character development. In recent years increased competition for viewers has led to more quality product. This month Showtime’s Nurse Jackie begins its seventh and final season of the most accurate portrayal of addiction seen on screen. The title character is a skilled and compassionate emergency

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Tips on Explaining a Parent’s Addiction to Kids

If you or your spouse are dealing with a substance addiction problem, informing your children is a difficult but necessary task. The explanation often falls to the non-addicted parent, but whether it’s handled by one or both of you, it’s important to plan your discussion carefully. Be Honest No matter how well-intentioned the idea, attempting

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