If you or someone you love is addicted to meth and needs help now call our trained addiction counselors today at 800-626-1980 for immediate help or advice.
Methamphetamine is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder. It can easily dissolve in liquid such as water or alcohol. Meth can be snorted, smoked, injected or swallowed to get the user high. Methamphetamine is also called meth, speed, ice, crystal, crank, glass, or chalk. Crystal meth usually refers to the form of meth that is smoked and is one of the most common terms used to refer to methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine Users
In the 1960s and 1970s, meth abuse was associated with white, male, blue-collar workers in San Diego. But today’s crystal meth users include women and other social groups and ethnicities across the country, in rural and urban areas.

Rapid Tolerance and Other Effects of Methamphetamine
Three Patterns of Methamphetamine Use
Methamphetamine abuse has three typical patterns that users fall into: low intensity, binge, and high intensity. Crystal meth users can progress from one level of use to the next as tolerance and addiction to meth develop.
Low-intensity meth abusers are not yet psychologically addicted but use methamphetamine casually. They seek extra stimulation, in the way that caffeine or nicotine is sometimes used to stay awake, gain more energy, or suppress the appetite. Meth users in this category include those who seem to function normally, holding jobs and raising families. A busy mother may take meth to keep up with overwhelming demands from job, family and household. Truck drivers may resort to meth to stay awake while driving. Other people may use meth to aid in losing weight. Low-intensity meth users usually swallow or snort it. Meth abusers in this stage are only one step from binge use – if they should smoke or inject crystal meth, they will be drawn in by the euphoric rush that they have not experienced in their low-intensity use pattern.
One of the dangerous characteristics of methamphetamine tweaking is that the user may appear normal, with clear eyes, concise speech, and brisk movements. However, looking more closely reveals that the crystal meth tweaker’s eyes are moving about 10 times faster than normal and may roll back. The tweaker’s voice is steady but quick and slightly quivering. Movements are quick and exaggerated. Thoughts are scattered and paranoid.
A crystal meth abuser who is tweaking can pose a serious danger to those around him or her, especially to police officers, who are perceived as a threat by the tweaker. Meth tweaking can produce extremely unpredictable, violent behavior. Confrontation increases the chances of a violent reaction, but even the sight of a police uniform can cause an agitated response. Crystal meth tweaking can produce hallucinations and paranoia, altering perception as if the crystal meth user is in a different world. The actions and words of those around the tweaker are subject to his or her altered reality. If the tweaker feels significantly threatened, they may take a hostage and physically assault the hostage, in extreme situations.
The dangers posed by a crystal meth tweaker are intensified with alcohol. Inhibitions are diminished and a tweaker becomes unconcerned about consequences of their actions. Reasoning with the tweaker is less effective. Identifying a tweaker becomes much more difficult, too. The effects of the crystal meth and alcohol counter each other, so the user’s actions and speech slow down but do not become as impaired as under the influence of alcohol alone, appearing almost normal. A meth tweaker who is on alcohol can sometimes be identified by odd eye movements – jerking their eyes back and forth, looking out of the corners of the eyes. If you smell alcohol but the person doesn’t seem to be drunk, be careful.
Withdrawal symptoms end as soon as crystal meth is used again, making it extremely difficult to break the cycle of meth use. Methamphetamine produces an extremely strong addiction. The success rate for traditional methods of methamphetamine rehabilitation is very low – only 7% escape the methamphetamine abuse cycle.
Those who continue to use crystal meth become high-intensity abusers, or speed freaks, pursuing the rush they felt the first time they smoked or injected crystal meth. Instead of finding it, they experience less euphoria with each rush, using more and more crystal meth. Each high is successively diminished, with more frequent binges on more methamphetamine.
Drug Treatment for Methamphetamine Addiction
Our professional drug treatment center staff is experienced in helping youth and people of all ages recover from drug and alcohol abuse. We provide a compassionate, supportive environment in our North Miami Beach, Florida, drug treatment center.
We work individually with patients suffering from methamphetamine addiction as well as in group sessions and a Family Program, after crystal meth detoxification. Emphasis on recovery from methamphetamine addiction and maintained sobriety helps prepare the patient for gradual re-entry into society.
Admissions can be accepted 7 days a week. Trained addiction professionals conduct individual assessments that address each individual’s treatment needs. You’ll find our crystal meth treatment programs offer access to a continuum of care that provides the intensity of therapy appropriate throughout each stage of methamphetamine recovery, from extended residential care to lifetime aftercare services. The individual program incorporates leading forms of therapy that have proven effective in addressing underlying causes of drug use, dual diagnosis, and issues with family, employers, school and the legal system.
Methamphetamine treatment does not need to be voluntary. Often, a family member, employer, or the court system can be the motivating factor for an individual receiving drug treatment for meth.
If you think that you or a loved one may be addicted to methamphetamine, click here to find out if insurance will cover your treatment or contact us right away to help. We’re here to help. Call us at 1 800-626-1980 or request more information.